Castle Freak Blu-Ray - Media
Castle Freak Blu-Ray - Media

Castle Freak Blu-Ray

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The remastered edition of Castle Freak looks better than ever! 

Hideous, Hungry and Loose!

Stuart Gordon takes you on a pulse pounding roller-coaster ride in Castle Freak. one of the most macabre thrillers you’ll ever experience John Reilly (Jeffrey Combs Re-Animator), Susan (Barbara Crampton Young & The Restless) and their daughter come face to face with terror when they travel to Italy to move into a castle they have inherited. They soon discover it is haunted by a relentless blood-thirsty creature. When mutilated bodies start turning up, John must uncover the Reilly family's dark secret to save his wife and child from the sadistic being.

Directed by Stuart Gordon (Re-Animator, From Beyond, Dolls, Fortress) 


Directed by Stuart Gordon 
Runtime 90 mins
Audio 5.1 Surround Sound
Aspect Ratio Widescreen
Rating Not specified
Year 1995
Format Blu-ray
Region Free
Color HD 1080p
Starring Jeffrey Combs, Barbra Crampton, Jonathan Fuller, Jessica Dollarhide

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