Curse of the Puppet Master DVD - Media

Curse of the Puppet Master DVD

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Those malevolent puppets are back in Curse of the Puppet Master, the sixth installment in Full Moon’s legendary fright film franchise!

This time, Andre Toulon’s diminutive assassins take up residence at The House of Marvels, a traveling doll circus run by Dr. Magrew (George Peck) who has been trying to create a living doll of his own with little success. When Magrew and his daughter Jane (Emily Harrison) meet a talented young man named Robert (Josh Green) who has a gift for wood carving, the good Doc asks that he use his natural gifts to sculpt him a puppet. But as Robert gets deeper ingrained into the family’s weird world, Magrew’s darker and more monstrous plans reveal themselves an once more, Blade, Pinhead, Tunneler, Six Shooter and the rest of the gang are fighting for their master’s honor…to the death! 

Director David De Coteau (Puppet Master III) returns to the series for this strange, thrilling and violent entry, presented here for the first time, fully uncut in HD using a composite of the original 35mm negative, original SD release and Digi-Beta videotape master, making this the definitive version of this classic film.

Runtime 90 mins
Aspect Ratio Widescreen
Audio Stereo
Language English
Rating R
Year 1998
DVD Region 0
Starring George Peck, Emily Harrison, Josh Green
Directed by David DeCoteau

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