Meridian Blu-Ray - Media

Meridian Blu-Ray

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Director Charles Band's 1990 horror classic MERIDIAN features Twin Peaks starlet Sherilyn Fenn, playing a beautiful young artist who must choose her destiny in this hauntingly sensual tale of love, passion and revenge. Watch the amazing remastered, high definition.

Catherine Bomarzini (SHERILYN FENN; "Twin Peaks", "Fatal Instinct", "Gilmore Girls") returns to the family castle in Italy after her father's death and gets caught in the web of a mysterious love triangle: a man (MALCOM JAMIESON) who is at times repulsive, at other times enchanting; and a creature of the night whose gentle eyes and touch reveal his infinite love and devotion.

With the help of Martha (HILARY MASON), her faithful childhood nanny, and the ghost of a slain young girl, Catherine discovers the medieval curse that threatens their lives and only she can dispel. Alex Daniels and Phil Fondacaro are also in the cast of the cult classic which is produced by Band & Debra Dion.


Seduced by something less than human...In love with something more. A beautiful young artist must choose her destiny in this hauntingly sensual tale of love, passion and revenge…. Catherine Bomarzini (SHERILYN FENN; “Twin Peaks”, “Fatal Instinct”, “Gilmore Girls”) returns to the family castle in Italy after her father’s death and gets caught in the web of a mysterious love triangle: a man (MALCOM JAMIESON) who is at times repulsive, at other times enchanting; and a creature of the night whose gentle eyes and touch reveal his infinite love and devotion. With the help of Martha (HILARY MASON), her faithful childhood nanny, and the ghost of a slain young girl, Catherine discovers the medieval curse that threatens their lives and only she can dispel.

85 mins
5.1 Surround Sound
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Widescreen
Rating: R
Blu-Ray Region Free

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