"Shrunken Heads" is a horror-comedy film released in 1994 about three teenagers who are killed by a gang leader, but are then resurrected as shrunken heads by a Haitian voodoo priest. They use their new abilities to seek revenge on their murderers and protect their neighborhood. The movie's soundtrack features a mix of alternative rock and punk music, with a few notable tracks listed below:
- "Shrunken Heads" by Dead Kennedys
- "Oh, Baby All" by Daniel Ash
- "Come Together" by Primal Scream
- "Anastasia Screamed" by Tizzy
- "Don't Talk About Us" by The Scabs
- "Lost Weekend" by The Mighty Lemon Drops
- "Death Party" by Samhain
- "From Beyond" by The 69 Eyes
- "Barefootin'" by Harry Connick Jr.
- "Sunglasses at Night" by Corey Hart
The soundtrack captures the fun and energetic spirit of the film, with a mix of punk and rock tracks that complement the movie's humorous and irreverent tone.