Subspecies II: Bloodstone DVD [Remastered] - Full Moon Horror

Subspecies II: Bloodstone DVD [Remastered]

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Two American students, Michelle and Lillian, are studying ancient myths and legends in Transylvania with their friend Mara. However, they soon find themselves the object of desire of Radu, an evil vampire who wants to make them his consorts. Radu creates an army of Subspecies, hellish creatures of the night, to carry out his plan. But Stefan, Radu's half-mortal brother and a good vampire, falls in love with Michelle and wants to save her and the others from Radu's wrath. Stefan also discovers that Radu murdered their father, King Vlad, and is trying to take over the kingdom. Stefan must fight Radu and his new vampires to save everyone in the kingdom.

Cast: Laura Tate, Anders Hove, Michelle McBride, Irina Movila, Angus Scrimm

Run time: 90 mins

Audio: Stereo

Aspect Ratio: Widescreen

Language: English

Rating: Not rated

Year: 1991

Format: DVD Region: 0 (NTSC)

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