Wizard Video: White Slave (Big Box VHS) - Media

Wizard Video: White Slave (Big Box VHS)

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The amazing BIG BOX Wizard Video Collection! This is truly a rare discovery and little part of the early days of the home video explosion!

Lucky Catherine. Together with her parents and aunt and uncle, this beautifully blond English lass lives in splendor on a vast plantation in the darkest reaches of the hauntingly alluring Amazon jungle. It's the ideal wonderland for a wealthy, adventurous young girl.

But her paradise soon becomes a living hell when a restful picnic is set upon by a bloodthirsty band of flesh-eating headhunters! After mercilessly butchering her parents, the cannibals take Catherine back to their village where she becomes their WHITE SLAVE!

Now fearful of becoming the savages' next meal, Catherine is forced to endure the ancient rituals of tribal marriage. But degradation and humiliation soon turn to understanding and respect as Catherine masters the way of her native captors. And when she learns from her tribal "husband" that her aunt and uncle were responsible for her parents' deaths, she plots their savage comeuppance a brutal end too terrifying to be believed!

Based on a true story, WHITE SLAVE is an incredible action-packed adventure of the human spirit you won't soon forget!

90 mins

Audio: MONO

Aspect Ratio: Widescreen


Rating: R

Year 1985


Starring: Elvire Audray   Will Gonzales  Dick Campbell  Andrea Coppola  Dick Marshall  Alma Vernon  Grace Williams


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